at the Nurburgring
A WHOLE DAY on your maximum driving a charged sports car on the most famous and dangerous race track in the World

Race at the Nurburgring

A WHOLE DAY on your maximum driving a charged sports car on the most famous and dangerous race track in the World

You will experience a computer game in a real life…

All in the best traditions of Need for Speed ​​or any racing simulator: an “endless”, winding strip of a mountain road, no traffic lights, no oncoming traffic, no speed bumps and no speed limits. Hit the gas to the floor! Now adrenaline will boil in your blood, and the brain will drown in euphoria.

You will learn everything that real racers know and a little more…

All the techniques and skills of aerobatics, all the terminology of driving at high speed, reading the track foil, secret tricks for safe cornering, drifts, skids, banking ... all this and more. No fancy theory. Immediately in practice - driving a sports car and pressing the gas pedal into the floor.

You will learn to get into the flow…

Racing around the Nürburgring requires maximum concentration: it will take all your attention, all your emotions, physics and neural connections. To do this, you just have to start the engine and press the gas. All problems, worries, nerves will disappear. The Nürburgring Nordschleife circuit replaces a week of retreat in Bali and a course of psychotherapy at the same time.

You will become one of those who conquered the "green hell" …

You can continue to watch videos about the Nürburgring on YouTube, subscribe to all the news and learn all the names of the turns, you can even “vomit” a circle on a rented “compact car”. All this is dust. Conscious training. Personal instructor. Fighting every turn for a precious second is what will make you one of those who conquered the "Green Hell" and returned as a winner

You will start driving very fast and safely...

The experience of combat pass at the Nürburgring will stay with you forever. You will drive differently in the city: without breaking the rules you will always arrive faster than others. You will drive safely in any weather, on any surface, in any traffic, in any car. And of course Moscow Raceway after the Nurburgring will seem like a children's attraction to you.
Do you need some advice?
Ask everything that is interesting for you: about all the conditions, nuances, features. We will answer in a couple of minutes
Do you need some advice?
Ask everything that is interesting for you: about all the conditions, nuances, features. We will answer in a couple of minutes

How much?

Driving a sports car at an iconic track always exceeds expectations…
figures are given on 10 laps at the Nürburgring

all the day race

The total distance you drive in 10 battle laps at top speed on the Nurbrugring. In fact, this is the distance of an endurance race along the most dangerous and interesting race track in the World.

You can pass the apex with your eyes closed

There are ten times more turns on the Nürburgring lap than on Moscow Raceway - 154 turns. And half of them have their own name and history. Fox Hole, Carousel, Mine, Airfield... you will have plenty of time not only to remember everything, but also to understand why they were called so.

cosmic sensations on the Earth

Experiencing zero gravity and creating it are different things. On some sections of the race track you will spin the speedometer to the cutoff, the aerodynamics will press the car to the pavement, and then there will be a sharp unloading. You will feel yourself like a cartoon for a couple of seconds - when the body has already sped away, and the silhouette is still frozen in a place.

Like in the best rally videos

The total elevation difference at the Nurburgring is 300 meters. There are sharp descents and sharp rises. We rush all of them at high speed, and gravity can't keep up with it.
The car suspension does not have time to work out the drops. As a result, you will have to fly several meters 20 times. You'll like it!

Burn calories faster than fuel

When the Airbus takes off, passengers experience a 1.5g overload. Astronauts during takeoff and landing 4g. You will experience an integral overload of 3g. It is not enough to lose consciousness, but enough to feel the full power of this race with every cell of the body.
Driving training in the first person
This is not a computer simulator. This is for real...

How will it be?

At the wheel on the Nurburgring race track, adrenaline boils every minute ...
  • We meet
    We organize a transfer from the airport, train station or pick up from the hotel. We go to the racing track: already on a sports car, already with an instructor. Optionaly: we can meet on the track.
  • We Discuss
    We go through the registration procedure and a safety briefing. We talk about everything that will happen, how and why. We give a short course in racing aerobatics. Getting ready to start.
  • We ride
    We go to the track. We press the pedal to the floor and ... Let's go! Ten laps ahead. In average10 minutes per lap, without counting technical breaks and time-outs for technical analysis. We ride all day.
  • We analyze
    Between training sessions and immediately after them we analyze piloting mistakes in detail and improve technique. We give recommendations for future training and a general summary of your race.
  • We walk
    The Nurbrugging is interesting even without racing: themed museums, cafes and restaurants, shopping galleries with souvenirs, equipment and all sorts of goodies.

Make it even cooler

if you wish, you can order additional options;
additional options are paid separately in the moment of ordering.

Gift wrap

to present the “Race Session” to a loved one or work colleague
The same on the photo and in the life. Yellow, black or purple box with RACEONE.PRO logo.
Inside there is a personalized gift card for a specific lucky person for a specific sports car from our garage. Also a commemorative flyer and a metal pen used by real racers.

Video from the cockpit

to see how the emotions on the face change in the cockpit of a sports car at full speed and immediately share the video on social networks
the whole race from the moment you leave the pit lane, all the “fighting” circles, the stop circle and the return race to the box, you will be filmed by an action camera. Excellent memories to review it later, relive experienced emotions and remember the instructor’s practical advice.

Who is the instructor?

Your personal trainer, administrator and guide on the race track
Viktor Zhilkin
your personal Raceone.pro instructor at the Nürburgring
Has been racing at the Nürburgring since 2010. Technical supervisor and test driver for Bugatti Veyron, Porsche 911 GT3 and Porsche GT3 RS. Personal lap record 07:15 (in track day traffic). Trainer-instructor of the international level. His students are winners of the prestigious VLN race, 24-hour endurance races, many times winners of rally raids and circuit races in Russia

He knows the history and names of all turns. He will tell you about the micro-marking of the track with his eyes closed: pits, bumps, unloading zones, where you can “cut”, where you can’t.

Where are we racing?

We race on a professional race track from April to November.
The certificate is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase
Nurburg. Germany.
Coordinates: 50°20'08"N 6°56'51"E
site: nuerburgring.de
The most famous and desirable racing track in the world. Complex, fast, interesting. Here all the new iconic cars are tested, here the grandees of the motorsport World compete in speed records. Here is a Mecca for those who live by motors!
Nurburg. Germany.
Coordinates: 50°20'08"N 6°56'51"E
site: nuerburgring.de
The most famous and desirable racing track in the world. Complex, fast, interesting. Here all the new iconic cars are tested, here the grandees of the motorsport World compete in speed records. Here is a Mecca for those who live by motors!
Racetrack Driving races are held only on designated track days when the track is free from competitions and championships.
If you are interested in a race on a specific date or a different track, please contact us
Виктор Жилкин RACEONE.PRI
Viktor Zhilkin
Chief Instructor Raceone.pro

They have already raced

The reviews of those who have already driven the Nurburgring with the Racing Academy Raceone.pro
  • I have just got back from the Nürburgring race track. Incredible experience that I will never forget. Every time I changed gears at high revs, I felt like a real racer.

    One of the most memorable moments was when I drove through the famous Carousel loop - it was incredibly cool! I felt like gravity was pulling me down, and the Porsche Cayman just glided along the track like it was on ice.


    Ten laps in a Porsche Cayman S at the Nurburgring
  • Less than 9 minutes for the first time is a super result.
    I felt like a real pilot when I drove this car and my instructor helped me to reach the maximum speed to complete the lap in record time.

    This experience is so thrilling and adrenaline filled that I was stunned when I returned to the starting position. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to experience unforgettable emotions and feel like a real pilot, try to drive a Porsche Cayman around the Nürburgring


    Ten laps in a Porsche Cayman S at the Nurburgring
  • It was just incredible! I conquered the Nordschleife of the Nürburgring! The dream came true!
    It's one thing to watch videos about Nyur on YouTube, it's quite another to drive it. Nothing in common at all. These are different worlds! I'm writing this review now, and goosebumps run on my skin)))
    You just have to experience it for yourself, there is no other recipe.
    Two laps in a Porsche Cayman S at the Nurburgring
  • If the rental office found out how I "wear out" their car on the track,they would definitely add me to the black list. But everything worked out, not without the help of Victor, of course.

    Yes, a civil car will take you from start to finish, but you should not count on speed records and professional aerobatics. BMW asked me to go into a skid… But even the Lambs, Porsches, GTRs that overtook me at every turn did not bother me. Experience. Emotions. Adrenalin. Just enough with a margin. I will definitely come back here, but I will only sit behind the wheel of a sports car!
    Ten laps in a rented BMW at the Nurburgring

Did you ask? We answer.

We answer often asked questions about training at the Nürburgring
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It is difficult to decide and there is no time to study the site? Write us.
Raceone.pro coordinator will reply in a few minutes
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It is difficult to decide and there is no time to study the site? Write us. Raceone.pro coordinator will reply in a few minutes

What are we going to drive?

A list of cars in our garage that you can drive "Driving on the Nürburgring race track"
price from 300€
Porsche Cayman S

A loaded sports car for professional training on the most dangerous race track in the world.

Technical specifications:
• Power: 350 HP,
• Top speed: 285 km/h,
• Acceleration 0-100 km/h: 4.4 sec,
• Maximum turning speed: 180 km/h,
• Displacement: 2500 cm/cc,
• Steering wheel: left,
• Transmission: automatic,
• Drive: rear,
• Tires: poluslik.
Do you need help with a choice?
It is difficult to decide and there is no time to study the site? Write us. Raceone.pro coordinator will reply in a few minutes
Do you need help with a choice?
It is difficult to decide and there is no time to study the site? Write us. Raceone.pro coordinator will reply in a few minutes
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